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THW League


Here you will find the info, standings, new rules and more from the WACL

current standing:

Nothing there are no matches played yet!!

Wacl Rules:

A WACL match is always 2 vs 2. The referee makes the game and he chooses what type of game they play. If both sides agree, the game can start. During a WACL match you must follow all the rules, if the ref decides that you are cheating. you will lose automatically. so be very careful. the new rules are: 

The WACL leaders have chosen ten refs that they trust. Only these refs may report to the WACL, so we can only play games when 1 of those refs are on. After the game the leader of the clan (Kevin, or Piet) must report to the WACL with a special password. So if one of you plays a WACL match, and you don't tell the leaders, we can't report and then we have a problem. So be sure to tell us that you've played a WACL game and give us all the info such as: clan played, the name of the ref, and of course which members of THW played the game.

Check out WA-Forum for additional rules.

Win/Loss Opposing Clan Representitives


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